Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Safety Tips for the Disabled and Others


It is more important in the current times to be safety conscious if you are disabled or elderly.  More assaults are occurring especially to the disabled.  Here are some awareness and safety tips for the disabled and anyone concerned about their safety.

Be aware of your surroundings and who is nearby.  Always keep an eye out and always have an escape route when traveling.  Make note if you see someone watching you.  Go to safety if you feel uncomfortable.  Be cautious if someone you don't know stops you to ask for the time or directions.  They may be legitimate or they may be a threat.  Answer the question and then leave.  If questions become more intrusive walk away from the individual without saying a word. 


  • Make sure you keep all doors and windows locked.  If you have sliding doors or windows, make certain they are braced with wood or metal to keep the door from opening if pried.  
  • Use light times to make it appear that you are home.  
  • Make sure you have several working flashlights.
  • When you leave home, keep a radio or television on to make the home appear to be occupied.
  • If possible, get to know your neighbors.  If you trust your neighbors, let them know if you will be gone and when you will return.
  • If you are planning on being away for a period of time, stop your newspaper if you get one and have mail stopped.  
  • NEVER open the door to strangers.
  • Make sure you have a peep hole in your door so you can see who is there. 
  • If you think you are being followed, DO NOT GO HOME.  INSTEAD DRIVE TO THE POLICE STATION. 
  • If you arrive home and believe something is amiss, DO NOT ENTER.  GO TO A NEIGHBOR'S HOME AND CALL THE POLICE. 
  • Make sure you have your car keys out when leaving home and your home keys out when arriving home so you don't waste time fumbling with your keys.


  • When you enter your car, put the key in the ignition and leave.  Don't spend any more time parked than you have to
  • Unless there is a clear medical emergency, do not stop to help anyone.  Call 911 instead and ask them to check the situation immediately. 
  • DON'T LET YOUR CAR RUN OUT OF GAS:  To the best of your ability, keep the tank full.
  • Make sure you have a mobile telephone with you in the event of mechanical or other problems. 
  • Keep a functioning flashlight in your car that you can easily reach.


  • When going to work or other routine locations, vary your routes.  Avoid using the same route to and from home in case you are being watched.
  • When possible, travel with a friend. 
  • Never put your home address or other identifying information on a business card.
  • When riding on a bus, have your money or token ready and seat yourself as close to the driver as possible. 
  • In large parking lots, write down the location of your car so you do not have to search.  It is always safer to go directly to your vehicle.
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash.
  • If you carry a purse, make certain you have physical possession of it at all times.  Never set it down unwatched. 
  • Use grocery carts for laundry and packages so your hands are not full.  When your hands are full, you make an easy target.
  • Always keep your head up and look around at your surroundings.  People who do not do this are frequently targeted.


Basic Information:  Individual abilities vary greatly. Use the techniques you are able to use or modify them to meet your physical abilities. Many parts of your body can been weapons with which to defend yourself:  head, teeth, elbows, fingers, hips, hands, knees, and feet.  Those carrying purses may have other weapons to use:  keys, brush, comb, perfume spray (to the eyes), pen or the purse itself. Use what you have such as a cane, but make certain you keep a firm grip on it as any self defense weapon can be taken away and used against you.  Always SCREAM.  NEVER FIGHT 'FAIR'  DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO STAY SAFE.

  • If someone comes up behind you and grabs you in a choke hold, do the following:  1) turn your head into the crook of his arm.  Doing so will release your throat from pressure and allow you to respond by (a) fist or heel to the groin (b) stomp your heel on his foot.
  • If you are bear hugged from behind:  (a) after striking the face hit your knee to his groin (b) kick him in the groin with your foot (c) stomp his foot (d) hit your knee to his stomach or face.
  • If you are bear hugged from the front and your hands are not free: (a) stomp his foot (b) hit your head to his face (c) hit your knee against his groin (d) kick his shin bone.
  • Other affective areas of his body you may strike (a) hair - grab back of hair and pull straight down, and if possible, place your other hand on his chin and twist (b) eyes - gouge your finger(s) into his eyes (c) nose - slam your fist down on the top of his nose or hit the tip of his nose and push upward (the latter can be lethal) (d) throat - strike the adam's apple with a closed fist, hard object or elbow. (e) fingers - if grabbed from behind, grab and pull his fingers backward, snapping them out of joint (f) groin - use a front kick between his legs and up into the groin, fist or open hand to the groin or raised knee into the groin.

Most of this information was provided from material written by 

From time to time our organization sponsors self-defense training for the disabled.  For more information about this visit the following facebook page:  Elkhart Advocacy of the Disabled

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